Friday, March 30, 2007

that's a lotta pizza

Tonight Brent and I decided to be adventurous and make a pizza from scratch, and I'm so glad we did! It was SO GOOD. Like seriously, so so good. I found a recipe for bread machine pizza dough online, and it turned out to be great. After baking it, it was thick and crispy on the outside, but soft and doughy on the inside. Also, it wasn't too heavy, so we could eat multiple pieces (very important). The only change I made to the recipe was to use regular yeast, rather than fast-acting yeast, so that the dough wouldn't over-rise in our high, thin air. If anyone wants the recipe, let me know and I can send you the link.

We threw the ingredients into our awesome breadmaker (thank you Dad and Taherah!), and while the breadmaker did all of the work, we headed to Pearl Street to buy a deep dish pizza pan and some pizza fixings. After letting the dough rise once, then spreading it out in the pan and letting it rise again, it was ready for our toppings. Brent did most of the honors.

First, the sauce... so nice and even!

Brent is a topping maniac.

Tomatoes make me happy.

The finished product.


During pizza, we watched Stranger Than Fiction, which was totally great. Everyone should watch it because it is that good. Just like everyone should make homemade pizza like we had tonight... Yum.


Anonymous said...

we made pizza too, but yours looked much much better than ours. what are the veggies on the top?? by the way we have to compare our pizza fixins! I put lots and lots of cheese on my pizza including Bulgarian feta cheese (which is much salter than other feta). After cooking them I tried a small bite of Taherah's pizza but she hadn't told me that she almost emptied the hot peppers on top of hers...yeow!! Hot!! And you're welcome for the bread maker we love ours too. Love,Dad

B1 said...

Oh, feta cheese sounds so good! We just put tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers on top. Hot peppers would be painful!