Thursday, April 19, 2007

update of DOOM

I'm sorry that it took me so long to update (again!)... Brent and I got back from CA on Monday, and then I had to work constantly to get through a terrible, horrible, long homework for my advanced fluid dynamics class. You don't want to hear the whole back story about the class, but suffice it to say, I am taking an advanced class about a topic I don't know, with a professor who's not exactly fantastic at teaching. Every homework assignment requires skills and techniques that we aren't taught in class, and they always end up being at least 15 pages long by the time I turn them in. Enough unpleasantness, though; the assignment was due yesterday, and it was the last for the semester! Now I just have two research projects to do for my classes, and then it will be summer vacation in a couple of weeks... time sure flies sometimes.

California was tons of fun, and it was sad to leave after such a short trip. Hopefully, our next trip will be longer, so that we can both see our families and friends for more than a few days! Our flight out was uneventful, which was great (I had expected more turbulence leaving the rockies than we experienced, since it was a really windy day). My super nice and very cool brother picked us up from the airport, and after a good night's sleep, we were both off and running. Brent's dad and two aunts picked him up from our house, and they went off to San Francisco for the day. In the meantime, I had a dentist appointment and hung out with Benjamin for a while. I also got to meet his girlfriend, and she was super cute and super nice. Go bro!

Thursday was wine country with Brent's family (his mom, dad, and aunts), which was totally gorgeous and really fun. Brent and I are not fans of wine, so we joined his mom looking around the vineyards while his dad and aunts did some tasting and buying. We didn't bring our camera, though, so I'll have to post pictures once Brent gets some from his family. Either way, before we left, Brent's dad worked on installing some new cabinets in their kitchen. They decided to redo it, and he has such amazing carpentry skills that he decided to design, build, and install the kitchen himself. Their whole garage is now a carpenter's paradise, complete with a ventilated, sealed off spray area for the varnish that he's putting on the cabinets. They really do look amazing. Here's a picture of Brent watching the others do the hard work!

Friday, I had an eye doctor exam, which Benjamin again was super nice to drive me to. I didn't have my sunglasses with me (left them in Boulder), so I got to use the silly wrap ones they give you for free. I had always remembered being completely embarassed by them when I was younger, but this time I thought they were awesome! They were totally hilarious, and from the front, they had the same silouette as the giant sunglasses that younger celebrity people wear (you know, like the Olsen twins). It's funny how things change the older you get! Friday night, my Mom was off of work for the weekend, so it was the first time we got to really hang out and relax stress-free. We had a lot of fun eating a yummy dinner, watching tv, and talking. I have so much fun hanging out with her, and I was so happy that we'd have the rest of the weekend to spend time together woot! Unfortunately, Brent's family and friends were also having a dinner in San Francisco the same night, so I wasn't able to go. Our next visit to the Bay Area will hopefully be longer, so that we'll have more time to see everyone. Friday night with my family, though, was perfect!

Saturday, it was rainy, and I got to hang out with Mom and Benjamin, since we had set it aside as family day (along with Friday night). We checked out some open houses near Mom's house, and one was really great. Another was huge and built in 1920, so it was really beautiful. However, it was crazy expensive, and had termites, so I hope they have luck finding a buyer. We also had dinner with GMR (my Grandmother Rook... GMR for short), which was tons of fun as well. I wish I had stolen the camera from Brent on Saturday so that I could have taken pictures, but I'll have to be sure to have it on hand next visit.

Sunday, Benjamin headed back to Sonoma, and I had brunch with Phoebe and Vivian, two of my oldest, and closest, friends. We headed out to downtown Campbell, and wandered around the local farmer's market while we waited for a table at the restaurant. I ended up buying the best strawberries and oranges that I've had in a long time. I guess living in Colorado can help a person appreciate farm-fresh citrus and berries! I also got to visit Trader Joe's for some goodies since the stores haven't made it to CO yet. Mom and I drove up to Danville to grab Brent and to have dessert with his parents. He and I shared this apple pie sundae thing at Marie Calender's, and it was insane!! If you go with a group of people, you must order this dessert. It was crumble top apple pie, topped with ice cream, whipped cream, and caramel sauce, all in a HUGE dish... we couldn't even finish it together! Monday am was our flight back at 6:20am, and since then has been schoolwork (school is yuck sometimes!).

Tonight, we watched Flushed Away, and oh my gosh if you haven't seen it you must!! It's like that sundae thing at Marie Calender's. Brent even made it through the whole thing without falling asleep, so it must be amazing. I think it was almost mostly for big kids and grown-ups, with a fun plot thrown in for the little ones. Of course, it wasn't crude or anything, but it was hilarious. The special features on the DVD were also great... they had a behind the scenes of the actors and actresses who voiced the characters, and one about the music in the movie. The music one was pretty cool to watch, but then I'm a band nerd, so I love that kind of stuff!

Now, Brent is happily doing his most favorite thing (sleeping).

If you've made it to the end of this post, congratulations! I'm sorry it took so long for an update, and that the update turned out to be a novel. Now that I'm done with the homework, and I'm back in the swing of things, my posts will hopefully be more frequent and readable! As a bonus, I'll throw in some pretty picture of spring, which has definitely sprung here in Boulder!

The tree outside of the office window is blooming, and the blossoms smell as amazing as they look.

A look up at the sky, through the tree.

Pretty tulips, randomly growing on the side of the street.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a fun trip home. We really missed you at the dinner on Fri night!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics!!! You have a "camera eye" for sure.