Wednesday, July 18, 2007

last weekend...

Brent's Mom came to visit last Saturday, before heading off into the woods for her annual 1 week trip with her friend. It was so fun to see her and hang out! We grabbed lunch at our local favorite bagel shop, sat around inside (it was SO hot), walked along pearl street where we got caught in an afternoon rainstorm, and had a wonderful dinner at the Chautauqua dining hall. Dinner was seriously so, so good. The Chautauqua dining hall is this big old building (from 1898) that's on a large field and surrounded on three sides by open space and hiking trails. It's right up against the foothills, so it's really gorgeous. It turns out that there's also an auditorium building kitty-corner to the dining hall, and there was a concert that night, so things were pretty crowded. Regardless, we got to eat dinner on the huge wrap-around porch on a warm summer night and watch families play and people head up to the concert. The food was also fantastic, so we'll definitely be back. Oh, and they served my most favorite beer of all time on tap: twisted pine raspberry wheat ale... so good!

While we waited for dinner, we drove up into the mountains and pulled off at 'panoramic point' for a great view of Boulder. Here are some cute pictures of my man and his mom, and of campus from up high (where all of the red tiled roofs are).

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