Sunday, July 22, 2007


Things are starting to get a little busier around here. Here's some of what's been going on lately:
1. I ran 30 minutes without stopping last Thursday! Seriously. It was so cool, and something I've never done before -ever- in my life, so that was awesome. Hopefully I can pull a repeat performance some time soon. Today I only made it 15 mins running without stopping, but then we lifted weights and did ab work and lunges. I can officially not do a bench press even with just the bar. It was funny, sad, and embarrassing at the same time. I was trying to push the 45 lb bar up (with Brent spotting), and it ended up being each arm alternating pushing one side up. Something to work on. For now I'm doing some kind of dumbell press with 10lb weights and it's pretty tough, but it'll help me be strong enough to do a real bench press someday.

2. Brent is studying for his oracle certified professional exam. Very exciting, and a good challenge, though he's so smart I'm sure he will be fine. He's been studying all the time for the past week or two, after more casual studying for the past few months. The exam is Tuesday, so wish him luck! Here's a picture of the stud while taking a practice exam tonight:

3. My bell pepper plant is doing SO well! Also, my mint seems to have made a truly amazing comeback from near-death. Compared to earlier pictures I've posted here, it's out of control!

The poor mint seems to have gotten a little sunburned with all of the heat lately (see #5), so it's now safely in the shade.

4. We're moving in a week. Well, really in 9 days, but we have to completely empty our current place next weekend, in time for cleaners (yep, we're going to pay people to deal with the shower grout, baseboards, etc, a result of one of Brent's best ideas yet) to come next monday, and carpet cleaners next tuesday before we turn the place over. I started packing this weekend, and so far I've done some kitchen stuff and part of a bookcase, plus some other stuff to top off boxes of books once they'd reached their maximum weight for me to carry. This week we'll have to really get serious about packing in the evenings so that we don't have too much to do next Fri night and Sat. I am kind of conflicted about moving, because we're having to leave our first place together, and we love our neighborhood and condo. However, we're moving to another really nice place (albeit with a parking lot view) and it'll be really close to where we live now, so hopefully it will be an easy and good move. I will definitely miss the trees outside of our windows, and the grassy fields nearby, and our adorable neighborhood.

Sad, empty bookcase.

The first few of what will soon be many boxes.

5. It has been hot hot hot. Today almost made it to 100 degrees (see weather chart below), but thankfully it's a dry heat, so it doesn't feel as terrible as it does in Texas when it's 100 degrees! Boulder often ends up with afternoon thunderstorms when it gets this hot outside, but we haven't gotten much rain at all in a long time. Hopefully we'll get some soon, but the forecast isn't encouraging. It definitely reminds me to appreciate the fabulous, newer, low-cost air conditioning that our landlord installed!

Yes, it's weather data from a wx station on campus... would you expect anything else from me?!

1 comment:

Vincent Chiaro said...

Nice lava lamp on the desk there Brent! ;)