Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Holy frijoles, people! The day before (a couple of days before?) my last update, Brent left town for a business trip to Anchorage (a sunday afternoon). That Wednesday, my super awesome friend Haleh came to visit until Friday, and it was SO much fun. We did the Celestial Seasonings tour, prarie dog stalking, pearl street shopping, dinner at chautauqua dining hall, browsing the farmer's market, hanging out at the Stanley Hotel (where Stephen King wrote The Shining), and Rocky Mountain National Park. It really reminded me about how much fun and important it is for me to have some high quality girl time, and it was so so so nice to spend quality time with a good friend who knows me better than most people. Yay, friends!

After Haleh left on Friday am, I cleaned the house up and hung out until leaving for another trip to the airport to pick up Brent after his flight arrived at midnight. It didn't really arrive until 12:30, and we didn't make it home until 2am... crazy! I was exhausted, so it's a good thing that Alaska is 2 hrs behind Colorado. Brent was much more awake, and managed to drive us home from the airport. Anyways, so that's why I haven't updated lately. Things are much calmer now, so hopefully I will be able to be a much more attentive blogger! Here are some fun pictures from my girl-time adventures. I miss you already, Haleh!

Dinner at Chautauqua Dining Hall!

The Stanley.

Drinking iced tea/coffee on the grand porch of the Stanley.

Haleh, just before we forded this raging river!

Blue Jays kept us company during our picnic lunch, but were disappointed if they thought they'd get any food from us.

Sisters! (Did anyone else ever dress like their friends as a little kiddo and pretend to be sisters? No? You totally missed out!)

SO pretty.

Seriously, how amazing is this picture? Haleh was like the elk paparazzi while I drove, and she took such great pictures!

Elk nuzzling or play fighting or something... and such a pretty background!

The clouds on the drive back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, my friends & I used to always dress alike when we were little and pretend to be sisters too! I guess that's a world-wide phenomenon:)