Friday, April 6, 2007

the battle

This morning, the weatherman said that in April in Colorado, there is often a battle between winter and spring. "Today," he said, "winter is winning." Usually when it rains or snows here, there are big clouds throughout the day, then a downpour or quick hard snow for a few hours, and then it clears up. Often, the sun even ends up coming out, and if it's warm enough, you can hardly tell that there was any crazy weather at all. I guess I've gotten spoiled by that, because today was gloomy and grey, with a constant light drizzle all day long. Don't get me wrong... I like it when it's grey and cloudy occasionally because it makes all of the colors of the plants look richer and more vibrant. This constant drizzle is majorly uncool though! Plus, it's so cold that the drizzle has frozen on everything, leaving a layer of ice on my car, and frozen water drops on the trees and grass surrounding our complex. In summary, I guess it was pretty much a stay-inside kind of day. It's supposed to be like this through tomorrow, but with some snow starting this evening. I kind of hope it does snow, because the snow is so pretty, and then I wont feel like we had this drizzly day for nothing. Also, snow is definitely easier to walk on than ice! Tonight, Brent and I will eat yummy warm food, and watch a movie in our nice heated condo, and it's going to be great! The perfect antidote to cold, freezing drizzle.

On the plus side, I did take some neato pictures of the ice and frozen droplets!

The Blazer is so cold!

Our gloomy street.

Frozen water droplets on some little green leaves.

If you enlarge this picture (ie: click on it), you can see the frozen drops on the blades of grass in the background.

I just like how this picture turned out... clearly I was having some issues getting the camera to focus on what I wanted, rather than the background, but I still think this turned out neat.


Anonymous said...

Hi Benet,
The weather is really freaking me out
down here. We are going to a Texas Rangers game tonight and here it is snowing. It's in the mid. 30's the day before easter messing up so many easter egg hunts.
Take care,
Uncle Owen

B1 said...

I looked up the temperature in Arlington during the first pitch, and it was 38 degrees! I hope you guys managed to bundle up and stay warm, and that you still ended up having a great time!

Anonymous said...

You can go on to the ranger web site which is
and then pick April 7th. Choose gallary 26 and you will see a picture
of us. Chelsea hid because her hair
was a mess.