Monday, May 21, 2007

another crazy weekend

So last weekend, again, was crazy. I think after having Drew here, we have a problem with sitting still. Anyways, Friday was the gym, and then enormous salads at Whole Foods (ok, mine was but Brent's wasn't), and then Spiderman 3 with another grad student couple. It was super fun, and good to see in the theater. My favorite was the mean, eyeliner-wearing spiderman.

Saturday we rode our bikes to the farmer's market and got lunch. The Boulder Creek Trail is seriously so pretty, so we'll have to remember the camera next weekend when we head out to the Boulder Creek Festival (yay!). After the farmer's market, I got my super cool aviators adjusted so now they are majorly awesome, and then we went with 2 other grad students to hang out with another grad student couple at their house in Denver. It was really fun, and we all ate a ton of food.

Sunday was the gym again and then we finally, FINALLY went to the plant nursery to get some veggie plants to try to grow on the deck. A few years ago, I tried to grow tomato plants in pots on a deck, but they never made any tomatoes. As a result, I am no longer allowed to attempt tomatoes. I am, however, attempting to grow cilantro, chives, a mezclun lettuce mix, tomatillos, and bell peppers. Hopefully, they'll make lots and lots of produce for me to eat up. Here are some pictures of my baby garden.

Oh, and for those of you who know Brent, in other news, he shaved his beard off and he is back to the goat (goatee w/o a mustache). It totally took me a while to get used to it, even though it's how he looked for the first 3 of our now 3 and a half years together. That kind of suprised me. I'm also throwing in a bonus picture of his new (or return to his old?) look.

Big bowl pot with lettuce mix, chives, and cilantro. They are all babies now, but someday they will be big and productive. Yum!

Bell pepper plant in front, tomatillo in back. In the distance are my birthday roses and some chocolate mint that's been hanging in there, but not growing much, for the past year.

Brent and his fantastic balancing skills. What a guy!


Danielle said...

Please post a pic of you in your super cool adjusted aviators!

Let us know how the produce growing on the balcony turns out. I've been wanting to do that for a long time too. Is there really such a plant as chocolate mint? Where has it been hiding all my life?

B1 said...

There totally is a plant called chocolate mint, and they sell it here at the plant nurseries. We saw some really big ones there this year, unlike the baby ones they had last year. Oh and it has been raining for the past few days, so I haven't had a chance to wear my majorly awesome sunglasses, but when I do, I'll make Brent take a pictue!

Anonymous said...

Hide the plants when Taherah is there. She'll eat it all at one sitting. It all looks great. Very impressive.