Monday, July 9, 2007

25 minutes!!

Never ever ever was I able to run for even 20 minutes without stopping, not even when I was in high school. However, in the past week, I have run 25 minutes solid 4 times!! My first attempt was last tuesday, and since then, I have even worked up my speed to a 10 minute mile average. I know that's not super fast, and in high school I could run a mile much faster, but this is 2.5 miles people! I am seriously so proud of my body and what it has accomplished.

Lately, though, I've been getting super super bored running on the treadmill at the gym. I have an awesome playlist on my ipod to help keep me moving, but I think that running outside could be a lot more interesting. Though sometimes there's good people watching at the gym. Anyways, maybe eventually I'll be able to run outside, once the pollen situation has calmed down out there.

If you're interested, the program I found online to train me to go from a couch potato to a super runner (but not really) is at: This site has forums for people to talk, and it seems like there is always a group for any particular week of the 9-week plan, which is pretty nifty. All kinds of people try it, from those in their 20's to those in their 50's and up, and it seems like a lot of people are overweight or super weak (that's me!) and manage to get pretty healthy with it. Only 2 more weeks left, with this week going up to 28 minutes nonstop, and then next week up to 30 minutes. Wish me luck!!

Oh and my plants are growing a lot, so for reals I am going to start to post regular pictures because I'm so proud of them. Go plants!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

You go girl!! I've never been able to run. Maybe I'll give this a a shot...starting next week (yeah, right)...the thing is I always get so bored running on a treadmill, even with good tunes. I'm with you - taking it outside is the way to go. Maybe I can get Vince to try it with me:)