Wednesday, May 16, 2007

birthday picture!

Lots of you know that this Monday (the 14th) was my 24th birthday woohoo! I had such a great birthday, and it capped off a great weekend from when Drew was visiting us. I did, however, go into work/school on my bday, which I think means that I'm growing up. But I had a group meeting for today to prepare for, so I was busy trying to figure out what exactly I've done in terms of my research over the past year. I got some really neato cards and gifts, including comfy headphones for my ipod (because the ones that come with ipods hurt my child-sized ears), a super-absorbant towel for my hair, very snazzy dish-washing gloves complete with pearls and fake pink fur trim, cold hard cash, and some super duper trendy aviator shades! Brent saw me fall in love with the sunglasses when he was buying his last weekend, and the nice guy went back and bought them for me. After trying them on, though, they seem a little too big for my face (again, it's child-sized), so we're going to go back and I'll try on all the little aviators in existence to find the coolest ones. Yay!

Anyways, after presents, Brent and I met up with 10 other grad student friends at Juanita's. It's a fantastic Mexican restaurant on Pearl Street, and I was really excited to go. It was so neat that so many friends were willing to come out and celebrate with us, and we had a great time. I had the waitress take a picture of all of us, so that I could prove that so many people came out to celebrate! A picture is below, along with a picture of my super cute victory rose birthday plant from Brent. So much fun... and now my age is even!! I seriously love even numbers.


Danielle said...

Happy b'day!! Glad it was a fun day and sounds like you got some cool gifts. I didn't realize you and Vince had your b'days so close together.

Oh, and I know exactly what you mean about having a small head...I also have to buy child's size sunglasses and the iPod earphones don't fit me. How sad.

Anonymous said...

What a fun time!! Happy Birthday again to a beautiful daughter. Love, Dad

TLee said...

happy birthday, benet!

Phoebe said...

yay for even numbers!