Monday, May 7, 2007

d-o-n-e, done!!

I just, JUST finished up with my last project for the semester, an annotated bibliography about the Indian Ocean Monsoon during the Holocene (like 11 thousand years ago up to the present). It was actually really interesting to research, though reading 16 scientific journal articles since Friday was pretty crazy. It's really neat to see how far research has come since the 1970's, when research about the evolution of the monsoon really began in earnest. Anyways, enough nerdiness, my summer of full time research and NO CLASSES begins now!! I think I am going to take the rest of today and tomorrow off to help our house recover from my two weeks of constant schoolworking.

Later, I'll post some pictures from my cake class and of the cake I baked the weekend before last. Most of it is now frozen because the teacher said that the buttercream frosting we used freezes really well and keeps the cake super moist and tasty. Maybe Drew (Brent's best friend) will get to eat some when he comes to visit us, if he wants. That's right, someone's actually coming to visit us!! Yay Drew... at least someone will learn about how super cool Boulder is. Actually, my parents and Brent's parents have all been out here once each, but nobody's been here in a long time. And Drew is the first friend to visit us, so he's putting any other friends out there reading this to shame!

Anyways, here's what my desk area at home currently looks like. It's so bad... this is what grad school can do to a person's house! Notice the plastic bag near the books. The people at the library gave it to me when I checked out 5 books of old journal articles because they felt sorry for me having to carry so much. What is grad school doing to me?!


Vincent Chiaro said...

Holy crap! Nice desk! You should make Brent clean it all up...he probably isn't doing anything anyway. :)

Danielle said...

OMG! Vince would FREAK if I let my desk get like that. Brent must be a very understanding BF:)