Tuesday, June 19, 2007

fun weekend part 1!

This past weekend, Dad and Taherah drove up from Arlington to visit Brent and I! It was really, really great to get to hang out again after a long year, and we had a lot of fun. We also were very tired by the end of the weekend... we did so many activities! To keep things manageable, I'm going to divide the weekend into 2 posts, which means there are more pictures to come tomorrow!

They arrived on Friday afternoon and we went to lunch at my favorite local bagel place for sandwiches. After walking around and seeing where Brent and I will be moving at the end of July, we hung out until Brent came home from work. Then, we all headed out to Pearl Street for dinner at a yummy Italian place.

This is how Dad eats pizza. Can you tell he likes parmesan cheese?! I know it's sideways, but it doesn't want to be vertical, and who am I to argue?

Super cute picture of Dad and Taherah at the restaurant.

Saturday, we went to the farmer's market for lunch and then we headed out to Rocky Mountain National Park. It was so pretty, and the main road, Trail Ridge Road, was open much further than it was when Drew was here. As a result, we got to see a lot of new areas of the park. Below are pictures from the Many Peaks viewpoint, and some other fun pictures as we headed up the mountain, towards the alpine tundra. Tomorrow I'll add pictures from the tundra and from our hike to a waterfall near Bear Lake, woot!

Walking to look at the view from Many Peaks.

The view at Many Peaks... of many peaks!

Brent being serious at Many Peaks. It was before he drank some diet coke.

On the way up Trail Ridge Road, we pulled over at another viewpoint, and this squirrel decided to say hi.

SO CUTE. Like seriously, so cute.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

So cute it may even be cuteoverload.com worthy:)