Wednesday, June 20, 2007

weekend part 2: wind blown fur

Also on the way up to the tundra, we passed some pretty little waterfalls that had formed along the side of trail ridge road from the snow melting. We got out to explore and take some pictures...

Brent decided to break the rules.

Dad liked the big road re-paving equipment across the street.

We decided to stop driving along Trail Ridge Road once we reached an altitude where the climate became an alpine tundra. A marmot decided to pose for us on some nearby rocks, so Brent took a video. For some reason, YouTube is having issues with my video file, so I'll add a picture of the marmot soon.

A view of the tundra.

After the alpine tundra, we turned around and headed towards Bear Lake. Just before reaching the lake, we pulled over at a trailhead to check things out. Brent and Taherah decided that a short hike to a waterfall was just what we needed, and Brent convinced me to walk it in my flip-flops. It wasn't exactly a comfortable walk, and my feet and shoes were dust-colored by the end, but the waterfall was gorgeous and totally worth it. Actually, my feet didn't really hurt all that much. But it was fun to complain anyways!

My poor feet.

Group picture with the waterfall.

It was really a beautiful, fun, and very tiring day. Hopefully we'll get to go back to the park again and explore even more of it. And we've hopefully convinced Dad and Taherah that Boulder is totally awesome and that they need to come back and visit again! It was such a great way to celebrate Father's Day weekend with my Dad, which is something I don't often get to do anymore. I think I'll try to make it a point to actually physically get to hang out with him for future Father's Days.

Oh and I'm sorry for such a cheesy post, but we really did have lots of fun, and I was really excited that family visited me yay! And I am really really REALLY tired tonight. However, I'm posting anyways because I said I would, and I am a good blogger.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Great pics! Looks like a gorgeous trail and waterfall!