Wednesday, June 13, 2007

learning to put myself first... ack!

So not much has happened lately around here, until today. Tuesday, I asked some trainers at our gym (24hr fitness) a question about running, since I'm trying this program I found online to work up to running 3 miles in 30 mins in 9 weeks. So far, so good, I just had a pacing question. Anyways, a few minutes later, one of the trainers offered to give me a free personal training session and running assessment, to check my running form. It sounded like a hot deal, so I agreed and met with her today... bad idea! She just had me run for a minute, told me that my form is bad, and told me that I need to start doing exercises to strengthen some leg muscles so that I have good form and don't cause injury down the line. She did not, however, tell me what these exercises were.

Instead, I got a 30 minute sales pitch, and she lowered the price for 5 sessions to $250 for me... I don't have $250 laying around to spend on a trainer!! I'm a grad student for goodness sakes. If I spend money like that, it's usually on a trip or something. Instead of cutting her off then and there, I felt really conflicted, and I also didn't want to make her angry, so I said I'd think about it. She offered to help me learn some exercises tomorrow if I'd buy vitamins or something that would give her a commission and I agreed but then totally called back and cancelled. I need to just say no!! When I cancelled, I said maybe I'd reschedule, but I can't and I know it. Sometimes I need to not worry about what others think, seriously!

Update: I totally just called and told the trainer that I wont be rescheduling for an extra session because if I do, I'll be tempted to buy the package and I can't afford it. It was the truth and she was so nice about it! Go me!! Besides, I don't really want to deal with someone telling me what I should eat, etc. I just want to learn some cool new exercises, and I'm sure there are plenty online. Woot!

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